
Monday, July 2, 2012

Love your body. Start now

All of you. . . stop nit picking your own body. Right now.  Enough with the "my ass has dimples,"  "my boobs are too small," "my nose is misshapen," "my thighs are huge," and "I have belly fat."  What about the good?!  There are good things about your body and it is up to you to find them, embrace them, and love them.

I was never a big fan of my thighs.  So I stopped looking at them and focused on parts I did like.  I found out that my eyes change color depending on my mood and who is around me (To the amazing group of people that turn them bright, bright green. . . my gratitude is undying).  I discovered I have great definition in my  arms and that my toes aren't nearly as weird as I once thought. While I wasn't paying attention to my thighs, my quad muscles decided to appear. They aren't super obvious, but they are present.   They carry me through Barre workouts, 5Ks, and up my 3 flights of stairs. For that, I am grateful. 

Look in the mirror and find your fabulous!  Ask yourself what you're grateful for and say it out loud!

Embrace your flaws and love your body; it's the only one you've got.

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