The short answer is that I eat whatever I want. In moderation. Was that true in the beginning? Yes. When I first started my journey I wanted cookies all the time. I would allow myself ONE cookie after grocery shopping on Saturdays. As I continued on the path to good health I discovered that I no longer want or enjoy junk food, fried foods (with the exception of French fries), and processed crap. I prefer to fill up on lean proteins, local veggies, and fresh fruit. I do eat carbs, just not at every meal. I do watch fat content, but it doesn't rule my eating. I also drink at least a gallon of water a day (water bottles, get some).
Was it easy to cut out processed convenience foods? No, it wasn't. It was a time consuming thought process that ended up being one of the best decisions I made. It means I read labels and look for more than just nutrition information. I tend to put things down if there are more than 10 ingredients. That's good advice for recipes, too. More than 10 ingredients usually gets a pass from me. Who wants to buy all those ingredients, prep all those ingredients, then add up the calories for those ingredients. Pas moi.
Do I measure out serving sizes? YES! My food scale is my best friend. When I started measuring things I was astonished to find out how much 1 oz of cheese truly is, that 100 grams of strawberries really is enough, and that 1/2 cup of ice cream is NOT worth 300 wasted calories.
Because I eat every 3 hours I have days where I feel like all I've done is shove food in. My favorite excuse from people is, "I don't have time to cook all that food" and "I can't eat all the time because of my job." Really? You have an employer that frowns upon you taking care of yourself? As for not having enough time; I'm not buying it. How much time do you spend watching tv or goofing off on facebook? Make time; it's that easy. I used to be embarrassed to eat a Luna bar during a faculty meeting, yogurt during staff development. Then I stopped caring about what everyone else thought and started caring about how I felt and looked. Forget what your mom taught you, it's okay to be selfish sometimes.
I don't deprive myself of anything. If I want cake, I eat cake. I just modify the rest of my calorie intake, push my workout harder, or call it a cheat and move on with my life. (Cheat meals are also for another day) Focusing too hard on the food will make you crazy. I learned a while ago that if I deprive myself or ignore a craving I will binge on said food. Then I feel sick, guilty, and like a failure. So I never let it get that far.
Eating right is about you and what your body needs. Just because it worked for me, does not mean it will work for you, which is why my meal plans aren't public. My body likes to eat every 3 hours. It needs an equal amount of lean protein, vegetables, carbs, and healthy fats. It needs an obnoxious amount of fruit (I'll hurt you over bananas). Every once in a while it needs a giant cheeseburger. I've learned to listen to my body and give it what it wants. Be good to your body and it will be good to you. . .
That's me eating a Diggity Donut. My first donut in months. The hand reaching for it is lucky to be intact today.
This was a great read and very proud of you! ~ Bo