Today is my anniversary. One of a couple that the healthier me celebrates. It was a year ago today that I found myself on the floor of my closet. I've spent the last few weeks thinking about all there is to say about this day. Then I remembered that a picture is worth 1000 words. . .
That's me in one leg of the pants that are responsible for my change. I can't get rid of them. Believe me, I've tried. After the fourth failed attempt to donate them I decided I should keep them as a reminder. A reminder of where I've been and how far I've come.
I'll always remember being frustrated to the point of tears. That memory is why I get up and workout even though I'm tired. It's the reason I don't eat the entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. It's why I only eat 2 french fries. Why I base my diet on whole, clean foods. Why I say thank you every time I see myself in a mirror, finish a workout, or do something the me of a year ago would never do.
It would be easy for me to consider June 20, 2011 one of the worst days of my life. It wasn't. It was one of the best. Reaching rock bottom was the first step in my journey. It was the day I said, "enough is enough. I won't live like this anymore." I won't say I haven't cried over my weight since that day because I have. There were a couple of really frustrating weeks when I wanted to murder my scale (this was before I figured out the combination of calories and workouts that works for me). It was a very unhealthy relationship. I cried and I cussed, but I kept climbing out of the pit.
I'm out of the pit, but I'm not done climbing. I may have hit goal weight but that doesn't mean my journey (or my work) is over. I work for it every day. . . in my workouts, in my meals, in my attitude. It isn't always easy, but it is always fun!
A very special PS to every single person that supported me, encouraged me, or complimented me along the way. There are too many to name and I hope you know who you are. Thank you!!!!
Very proud! Nice work!