I fell off the wagon last week. I didn't break any bones or roll down the hill into the river, but I did stumble. My workouts didn't happen because I'm having some knee issues. I like to listen to my body and it was clearly telling me not to do much with that knee. I ignored it one day and went running only to be rewarded with some swelling and a little stiffness. My body's way of saying, "I told you not to do that." My eating was a little off whack in that I skipped meals and didn't make the smartest choices when it came to what I ate.
Am I beating myself up about last week? No. I don't have time for that. What I do have time for is figuring out what caused me to break my habits and fixing it. I don't have a set schedule in the summer which means I eat at different times every day. As opposed to the school year when I eat at very specific times daily. In the summer I tend to lose track of time and remember, too late, that I'm supposed to be eating. This means I end up skipping a meal. This doesn't please my body. I also don't meal prep as much in the summer, thinking that I'll have time to cook when it's time to eat. The problem here is I like my laid back days. I don't want to cook. There's another problem.
This week, I'm back to being good. I spent several hours on Sunday prepping meals and cutting up fruits to snack on. My fridge is full of deliciousness so I have no excuses to not eat a decent meal. I'm remembering to pay attention to the time so meals aren't skipped. I'm still listening to my knee but not babying it. I'll be running this week but maybe skipping Barre. I'll probably take this opportunity to get back to Pilates and Yoga.
I'm human, I make mistakes. The important part is that I learn from those mistakes. Take the lesson and move on.
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